I like music. I like debate. I have literally written five parodies about speech and debate from Disney songs. So I decided to make a tournament playlist, even though I rarely get the chance to listen to music at tournaments. But maybe you do, but you don't know what songs to listen to. This is what this post is for. I have created this playlist just for you (and me) to enjoy.
See You Tomorrow - How To Train Your Dragon score
This song reminds me of the first day of the tournament. It's the day where I feel like I'm running around, going from speech to speech to debate to speech to speech to speech to debate and between all of that hanging out with friends. It's crazy.
Just a Friend - Jamie Grace
If you listen to this song, it's pretty self-explanatory. It's basically every homeschooler on romance and crushes.
A Whole New World (Year) - Aladdin
This applies to two things: the first tournament of the year, and going to tournaments way out of state. They often run tournaments way differently in others states. It's always the same basic format, but sometimes it's kind of crazy, like a whole new tournament.
When Will My Life (Round) Begin - Tangled
Only having speeches in one pattern, pcarli rounds, junior rounds, having a TP partner who signed up for a tournament late and so you aren't doing TP, and long announcements. Sometimes it takes a long time for my rounds to get started.
What Is This Feeling? - Wicked
What I sing when people run weird arguments in TP rounds and I feel like killing them. Loathing is an accurate description of the way I feel.
Leave It In The Valley - Mandisa
Calling my friend after said people run weird arguments in TP and she calls me and tells me not to flip out and then I feel better. Friendship is magic like that.
Let It Go - Frozen (Parody coming soon!)
Third day song. I'm not usually doing much on this day, so I run around singing Frozen. Also, letting go of all the rounds that went badly the last few days and being able to just hang out with friends and never go back, and maybe if the awards ceremony ends fast enough I'll be able to stand in the light of day.
Bloom - Moriah Peters and Overcomer - Mandisa
Remembering that even if the ballots don't meet up with my expectations, I was still born to bloom and that I can overcome it.
Gravity - John Mayer
Vote Affirmative - Hadley Grace
This song doesn't exist, but I felt like being clever when asking you to vote affirmative. So yeah... do that. And listen to these songs because they are all pretty great.