There are certain laws in speech and debate that must never be broken (besides Mrs. Harding's debate law). There is certain etiquette, certain things you have to do. I'm not talking about crossing your ankles or sitting on the correct side of the room based on your side of the resolution. These are unspoken rules. They're not hard and fast, and some aren't even rules, more suggestions on how to be more professional. But every speech and debate kid has a dream, a desire, to break these unspoken rules.
Basically, what I'm saying is that sometimes we want to do really weird things in our rounds. I have made a list of these things, though I admit it is incomplete. With contributions from viewers like you.
-Write a stupid case and run it in finals.
-Take a nap after giving the 1NR.
-Give a speech with a British accent (or any accent that isn't American).
-Give a speech in song.
-Shake the judges hand without letting go.
-Use Disney quotes as voting issues.
-Ask for someone's number in a point of information.
-End your apologetics speech with an alter call.
-Run out of the room in the middle of the round.
-Look at your opponent during CX.
-Hug your opponent during CX.
-Speak without any notes or a podium.
-Burst into song during your impromptu speech.
-Use cheesy debate pick-up lines in a round.
-Say that you're timeline is 'wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff.'
-Stand on the chair during storytelling.
-Give a tournament with a really weird name.
-Use a Ron Swanson quote in an extemp speech appropriately.
-Qualify for NITOC in DI and then turn your DI into an HI.
-Qualify for NITOC in DI and then turn your DI into an HI.
-Hug the judge.
-Make offensive jokes.
-Take stalking postings to the next level. (Interpret that as you please.)
-Win a round on your awesome penguin analogy.
-Write a fictional book about speech and debate (is this just me?).
-Make offensive jokes.
-Take stalking postings to the next level. (Interpret that as you please.)
-Win a round on your awesome penguin analogy.
-Write a fictional book about speech and debate (is this just me?).
-Wear rainbow slippers in a round and see if anyone notices.
-Ask the judge to vote on the team you're actually on.
- Say that you're funding comes from the proceeds of this tournament and the generous donations of viewers like you.
-Interpret the resolution as something totally wacky. (i.e. Marine = a division of the US armed forces.)
-Vote affirmative.
Okay, that last one isn't totally crazy. But you should do it anyway.
-Ask the judge to vote on the team you're actually on.
- Say that you're funding comes from the proceeds of this tournament and the generous donations of viewers like you.
-Interpret the resolution as something totally wacky. (i.e. Marine = a division of the US armed forces.)
-Vote affirmative.
Okay, that last one isn't totally crazy. But you should do it anyway.