Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tournament Exhaustion - The Third Year Chronicles #14

It's the third day since the end of the tournament. I still can't wake up at a decent time (for this I have post tournament sleep disorder to blame). I have yet another tournament the first week of December, and I refuse to acknowledge that that is next week (Ahh!). Surely I can't have another tournament so soon?

Actually, I have two tournaments next month. And I had two this month. At least I'll get to listen to Christmas music free of criticism and judgement from certain parties. (Hey, Hallmark has had Christmas stuff in the front window since September.)

So where will that leave me?

Tired. Really tired. I barely have a free week between now and Christmas, and very little time to recover from tournamenting so hard and so long. At least I finally cleaned my room, which had grown in disorder since September and the end of my free time.

Don't get me wrong, I'm really looking forward to the tournaments coming up in the next month, but sleeping until 1:00PM sounds pretty appealing right now. Unfortunately, my brain has got it in its head that I need to wake up 6:30. Every. Day.

But that's cool. I'll just read the first chapters of books I really want on Amazon. If you wanted to know what to get me for Christmas, the answer is books.

Vote affirmative. I'm too exhausted to think of a creative reason why.

(This post is part of a series called The Third Year Chronicles. Click here for TTYC #13)

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