Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Stealing Pages from the Books of the Amazing People I Call My Friends

Whenever we hang out with people a lot, we start to become like them. It's inevitable. The more you hang out with them, the more you are them. In a way. You start talking like them, laughing like them, dressing like them, liking what they like, writing how they write, reading what they read, watching what they watch, listening to what they listen to, etc. etc. Why? Because we hang out with those people for a reason, weather that reason be for popularity, or just to have someone to hang out with. I have friends for the latter. Popularity is soooo over rated. Haha, I'm such a hipster. :P

Anyways, friends are really great. If they're good friends. If not, then they're not so great. Then they're not really even friends. They're just jerks who hang out with you. Don't hang out with jerks. They're jerks. Moving on. Real, non-jerk friends are great for a few reasons. Here are those few reasons:

Reason One: They Understand You

I once asked myself, 'why are all my friends so crazy and insane?' After a moment of deep thought, I answered: 'because I'm just as crazy and insane as they are!' It's true. Some people see me and can't get past my crazy-nut-ness. But some people care enough to get past my crazy-nut-ness and see me for who I really am: a crazy nut. But they also see past that and see the deeper parts of my personality, that involves less craziness and more seriousness. These people are brave. Very, very brave. And crazy. 90% of my friends are crazy. That 10%? They're still very brave.

Reason Two: They Don't Make Fun of You

When I say that, I don't mean that they don't tease you. Because they do. At least mine do. But they don't do it in a mean way. A good friend will never poke at your insecurities. And if they do, then they're just jerks. And jerks are jerks. Obviously. You can be honest with them and they won't make fun of your issues. They understand because they have issues too, and they're honest about their issues too. You can share your feelings without fear of judgment.

Reason Three: They Help You Laugh at Yourself

Friends don't make fun of you, but they do tease you. In a good, non-annoying way. One time, on my best friend's 11th birthday, I went to her volleyball game. Since it was her birthday, there were cupcakes involved. And those cupcakes had neon pink icing. Now, clarification: I am very, very easily embarrassed. It's sad and embarrassing and how easily I get embarrassed. Now, back to pink icing. Somehow, someway, I managed to get this stuff all over my face. And it wouldn't come off. And my best friend (and her mother) helped me to laugh at myself in this situation.

That is what all my friends who know who I like do to me. Of course, I do it to them, as well. And it's hilarious. My friends are constantly teasing me about my crush. It's kind of hilarious.

And that's why friends are great, among other reasons. Yep. Friends that aren't jerks are awesome. And awesome people are great. And that's why we act like them. We want to be great people too. Because great people are awesome. And I'm being very redundant right now. And rambley. Very, very rambley. I should stop now. So there. The end.

Now, be a good friend and vote affirmative.

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